Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hear ye Hear ye....

As you may or may not know, this year I will be attempting to pass chemistry yet again. Third times the charm right? RIGHT!

Jacob is also taking chemistry. But he's just a wee lad, and its his first time. He's a chemistry virgin.

So we came up with a little bet.

He was giving me crap about my lack of chem skils, and I said I could beat him at it.

Based on each semester:

If he wins (he wont) then I have to wear a shirt of his choosing to school.
When I win, then we never have to watch a movie that he's already seen ever again. Thats right, NEVER.

If he wins (he wont again) then when he says I love you, I'm not allowed to say I love you more.
When I win, (i win anyway since i get to graduate) (INSERT PUNISHMENT HERE)

Anyone got any good ideas for me??????

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