Friday, October 12, 2007

"I said hey and he turned around and fingered me."

Says Jackson. I guess he meant to say "he flipped me off" but it came out a little different. Oh well. That's just one reason that freshmen are so fucking funny sometimes.
Chad, Jackson and I were at the football game, and it was Middle School Night. Middle School Night is the dumbest fucking invention on the face of the fucking earth. I swear to god. In case you don't know, Middle School Night is when all the middle school kids are invited to come to the game. But they don't pay attention to the game. All they do is fight with eachother and run around and talk about stupid shit. And the worst part is that they're already so corrupt. All the girls are whores and sluts, and all the boys are pricks who call eachother faggot and other racial slurs (I'm aware that faggot isnt a racial slur but you get the point)
Obviously if you run into me or my passive freshman, I'm going to push you. So don't get mad. Just walk away and accept your mistake okay?
It's like 50 degrees there. So don't wear a mini-skirt that shows your ass and then complain its cold. Just dont. Because I'll push you too.

It was raining earlier, and now there is this drip drip sound that sounds like its coming from right above my bed in the attic. Which it probably is.
Fucking faulty roof.

Fuck. I hate gushing. I don't think that I get all moody and stuff, but then every once in a while I'll do something and realize it. Like, I told jacob i loved him and then a minute later he asked if i loved him, and i said "ugh. yes i just said so" and now I feel bad....

Are you allowed to apologize via blog?

My conscience is all fucked up now.
I really am sorry.

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