Thursday, October 18, 2007

In the end...

It isn't really about who's right or wrong, it's about who's first to realize that they need to apologize.

It's thursday night, and it's 10:46. I have no one to call and say hello, to just ask what they're up to. I think my laptop is electrically charged (duh) because every time I start typing something, the hairs on my arms stand up.

I had a dream last night that I was living in the runis of an underground bomb shelter with talking cartoon bananas. They thought I was going to eat them and so they beat me to death while bombs rained down from above.

To clarify some things:

I can write whatever I want here, and I don't have to explain it to anyone. That's the beauty of it.

No matter how many people I know, or how many may care, or how many will say "I love you too!" when I tell them that I love them, there is a void. One day I'm going to fill that void, but until then I am always searching.

I was given a little piece of advice today that I'm thinking about now:

"Believe the teachings of a raven."

Also right now, I'm reading the lyrics of "Tonight We're Gonna Give It 35%"

"Dear Jesus, are you listening?

If this is the once chance that really matters, well, don't let me fuck this up."

I love you all.

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